Aged care and disability providers are operating in an environment of increased government regulatory change with increased reporting forcing increased organisational costs and a requirement for providers to do more with less. Also, there is a need for providers to ensure policy and process are fit for purpose, systems and processes are in place and ready to adapt as compliance and reporting needs change, and that the organisation continues to be financially sustainable.
The need for your organisation to have a sound Business & Innovation Strategy has never been more critical. We help you ensure your business strategy is current and commercially focused, and that your organisation is structured to deliver real value for your care recipients and their families. Your organisation needs to ensure its business model is innovative, agile and responsive to factors such as government funding changes and workforce availability to meet demand.
Your business & innovation strategy should reimagine organisation resources to deliver value and competitive advantage. And it should set the ambition for a number of supporting strategies:
- Customer Experience Strategy. Enriching experience and building customer centricity
- Employee Experience Strategy. Whole of employee lifecycle journey
- Brand & Marketing Strategy. Enabling business retention and growth
- Digital Strategy. Reimagining the business with a digital and agile growth mindset
Customer Experience Strategy
The Aged Care Royal Commission and preliminary Disability Royal Commission findings have high-lit the real need for providers to focus and transform their organisations around their customers. By keeping the customer at the centre of all decision making you will be better able to innovate and transform your organisation to seamlessly integrate your ideal ‘customer experience’ with the ‘customer service’ delivered by your frontline staff.
Your customer strategy should enrich experience and build customer centricity. A well-articulated strategy acts as a roadmap for you to deliver excellent, personalised and differentiated care through deep engagement with your care recipients, their families, and carers. Keeping your customer as a key strategic focus will help you appropriately respond to the growing demand for choice, control and independence of your care recipients with the shifting demands and requirements of families. This will become increasingly important as we approach a zero tolerance for neglect and inadequate care.
Brand & Marketing Strategy
Brand and marketing strategy has a key role to play in enabling organisational consolidation and growth. It is of foremost importance in determining where an organisation should play and how it can win. Brand is one of the main areas of value capture for an organisation. Everyone needs to be across the drivers of brand value for your organisation and where your brand sits against the competition.
Your brand and marketing strategy needs to direct execution for performance-based impact. It can help unify all aspects of your organisation whether products, services or technology behind your customer and brand.
A growth driver, your brand and marketing strategy should utilise data and insights to deliver superior, personalised customer experiences. It plays a lead role in achieving sustainable profitable growth through customer acquisition. And helps to create breakthrough customer offerings and advanced marketing through new technology platforms, media tools and techniques. It needs to connect and focus the business on the customer but must also understand and drive the marketing technology stack and analytics.
Digital Strategy
The aged care and disability industries recognise technology is a key enabler for business optimisation, with the power to make service delivery more affordable and enable older people and people with a disability to live their best lives and in their homes for longer. The time is right for you to consider your digital strategy as part of a broader conversation about business transformation. And for you to reimagine what that could look like with a digital lens rather than just taking your current manual processes and making them digital.
Show how you can leverage technology to create value and new services for your various stakeholders. Your digital strategy is about value, people, optimisation and the ability to be agile and rapidly adapt. Commonly digital transformation value comes from: cost savings for customers, customer experience empowerment, reduced friction and/or platform value such as successful ecosystem orchestration. A key part of your digital strategy should be on understanding how your digital ecosystem design provides for the human element – as people value face to face interaction and do not want digital for everything.